Dr. Bhumkar Hospital

Where Does It Hurt?


How Does Your Ear Feel?

"I have pain in my ear."

An ear ache may affect one or both ears. It may be constant or may come and go, and the pain may be dull, sharp, or burning.

If you have an ear infection, fever and temporary hearing loss may occur. Young children who have ear infections tend to be fussy and irritable. They may also tug at or rub their ears.

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"I have difficulty hearing."

The signs of hearing loss can be subtle and emerge slowly, or early signs of hearing loss can be significant and come about suddenly. Either way, there are common indications and signs for possible hearing impairment.

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"I have discharge coming from my ears."

A ruptured eardrum can cause a white, slightly bloody, or yellow discharge from the ear. Dry crusted material on a child's pillow may often be a sign of a ruptured eardrum. The eardrum may also bleed.

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"I am feeling dizzy or feeling a lack of balance."

If you have a balance disorder, you may stagger when you try to walk, or teeter or fall when you try to stand up. You might experience other symptoms such as light headedness, blurred vision, or confusion.

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"I hear ringing in my ear."

You may have the sensation of hearing ringing, buzzing, hissing, chirping, whistling, or other sounds. The noise can be intermittent or continuous, and can vary in loudness. It is often worse when background noise is low, so you may be most aware of it at night when you're trying to fall asleep in a quiet room.

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"I am told I have a hole in my ear."

Holes near your ear can be small that lead from the skin surface to deep within the tissues in front of the ear. 

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"My child is having speech problem."

Children with speech problems have difficulty saying words, syllables, and sounds. The brain has problems planning to move the body parts (e.g., lips, jaw, tongue) needed for speech. The child knows what he or she wants to say, but his/her brain has difficulty coordinating the muscle movements necessary to say those words.

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"My child has put something inside of her or his ear."


"My ear is deformed or missing."

Getting an object stuck in the ear is a relatively common problem, especially in toddlers and children. The vast majority of items are lodged in the ear canal, which is the small channel that ends at the eardrum.

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Deformities of the external ear are birth defects with long-term effects for children and their families. The impact of such deformities on the patient can be both physical and emotional. Hearing loss due to associated ear canal can result in learning difficulties. Learn more about ear reconstructive surgery by clicking here.

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How Does Your Nose Feel?

"I can not smell ."

Some people experiencing the loss of smell may also notice a change in the way things smell. For example, familiar things begin to lack odor.

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"I have running nose."

Runny nose can be caused by anything that irritates or inflames the nasal tissues. Infections — such as the common cold and influenza — allergies and various irritants may all cause a runny nose.

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"I am sneezing."

Sneezing is your body’s way of removing irritants from your nose or throat. Sneezing often happens suddenly and without warning and may be caused by allergies or other illnesses.

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"My nose is bleeding."

The nose contains many blood vessels. These blood vessels are located close to the surface in the front and back of the nose. They may be very fragile and bleed easily.

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"My nose is blocked."

A congested or stuffy nose is caused by inflamed blood vessels in the membranes lining the inside of your nostrils, usually due to the flu, cold, or allergies. The excess mucus in your nose can make it difficult to breathe. 

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"I have some foreign body in my nose."

Children are naturally inquisitive and often wonder how things work.  One of the dangers that can occur as a result of this curiosity is that your child may place foreign objects into their mouth, nose, and ears. This may create a choking hazard and put them in danger of serious injuries or infections.

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"I have a painful headache."

Sinus headaches are usually caused by an infection and inflammation of the nasal passages. That leads to congestion. And that causes pain and pressure in the forehead and behind the cheekbones.

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"I have sinus problem."

Sinusitis or sinus infection is inflammation of the air cavities within the passages of the nose. Sinusitis can be caused by infection, allergies, and chemical or particulate irritation of the sinuses.

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How Does Your Throat Feel?

"It hurts when I swallow food or liquid."

Difficulty swallowing along with pain is generally a symptom of an infection or an allergic reaction.

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"I am having voice problem."

Difficulty with speech can be the result of problems with the brain or nerves that control the facial muscles, larynx, and vocal cords necessary for speech.

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"I have a fish bone or any bone stuck inside my throat."

A foreign object in the throat can create a choking hazard and a danger of serious injuries or infections.

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